Coming Home
I’m thinking ahead about the upcoming Community Event at our Pathwork Center here in Virginia. It’s coming up at the end of this month and will be an awesome way for someone new to get a taste of some of the many types of activities we do under the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork umbrella. I’ll be leading a one-day event with another leader called “Coming Home”. What might this title mean to you? I remember years ago when I dropped deeply into the space of separation from God. I realize that this space can be different from one person to the next. It can be dark, hot, icy cold, dry, wet, zigzagging through space at lightning speed. But for me it was a place of darkness and emptiness. I felt so alone. When I could tune in, I realized that there was a light in the distance and I could choose to move closer to it. As I drew nearer, I was astonished to see many candlelike lights. I realized that I was really not alone at all. It was ME who had chosen separation. And I could change simply by moving toward the light. Later that same day I could feel a longing to go home. And then I realized that I am home here deep inside myself. I’m wanting you to find that place inside you.
Calendar of Events
Out of Separation
Into Connection
Led by Pathwork Helpers Julia Jensen and Miriam Smith
In person: North Andover, MA
May 16, 2025 – May 18, 2025
Friday 7:00PM – 9:00PM, Saturday 10:00AM – 9:00PM,
Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00PM
What unconscious messages do you send out to others
that result in separation and loneliness?
Are you willing to open to honest communication?
Join us as we explore our individual style of communication that unconsciously recreates our childhood hurts in our
present relationships. We will use ritual, movement, emotional process, lecture study, or spiritual practices to take a step
into out of separation and into connection. As we practice with each other, we heal the fear that connection brings and
risk deep connection.
A PTP Prerequisite Workshop
Details: Students bring their own lunch for Saturday and Sunday.
Dinner for Saturday will be provided.
Cost: Early discount $575, regular price $625
Register here
Julia Jensen is a Pathwork Helper, an Energy Worker, and a Mathematician. While on a spiritual journey in 1989, found Pathwork which assisted in deepening her connecting to the energy of the Earth. Her passion for the work began from her first exposure and continues with each day. She works with individuals and groups in person and on online. She believes we all have a soul level issue to be healed and a soul level task as part of our meaning on Earth. Each of us must find our Path. She works with individuals and groups in the Richmond, Virginia area and online.
Miriam Smith is a Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Helper/teacher and, currently, president of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Board of Trustees. She is a certified energy healer and teacher and combines this work in both individual and group sessions in person and online. Miriam encourages and invites others to join the quest to bring what is hidden to consciousness. She believes that every being is the entirety as well as part of the whole, and our ultimate journey is to come into alignment with this unity.
Running Free
A Pathwork Process Group
Led by Pathwork Helpers Julia Jensen and Miriam Smith
Alternate Tuesday evenings June 10, 2025 – September 16, 2025
7:00PM – 9:30PM EDT
As we tentatively navigate a world in transition, we must learn to find our voice
and express it in our everyday decisions.
Who am I?
How do I find fullness in my gifts?
How do I develop relationships from my true self?
We will work with these important issues toward becoming enabled to stand in our truth
without going into defense.
We will work with individual emotional process through movement, ritual,
and lecture study to dive deeply into these issues.
Price: Discount until May 20: $240.
Full Price May 21: $270.
Julia Jensen is a Pathwork Helper, an Energy Worker, and a Mathematician. While on a spiritual journey in 1989, found Pathwork which assisted in deepening her connecting to the energy of the Earth. Her passion for the work began from her first exposure and continues with each day. She works with individuals and groups in person and on online. She believes we all have a soul level issue to be healed and a soul level task as part of our meaning on Earth. Each of us must find our Path. She works with individuals and groups in the Richmond, Virginia area and online.
Miriam Smith is a Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Helper/teacher and, currently, president of the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork Board of Trustees. She is a certified energy healer and teacher and combines this work in both individual and group sessions in person and online. Miriam encourages and invites others to join the quest to bring what is hidden to consciousness. She believes that every being is the entirety as well as part of the whole, and our ultimate journey is to come into alignment with this unity.
GPS: Growing Through Pathwork Studies
A bimonthly, free, on-line lecture study event
Continue to deepen your understanding of the Pathwork lectures through this newest offering from our Helper Community
I found Pathwork while on a spiritual quest that began in 1989. I am a Pathwork Helper, a teacher in the Pathwork Transformation Program, and the Transformation Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Pathwork. I work with individuals and groups who are seeking a spiritual approach to life.
Julia can do individual sessions in person, over the phone, or via internet.
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