by juliawjensen | Aug 28, 2018 | Divinity of Community, Pathwork, separation from God, spirituality, surrender, Taking Steps toward Peace, Uncategorized
Do we recognize a Miracle when we see it? Is there a Burning Bush? I was recently at our Sevenoaks Retreat Center, Home of the Pathwork, leading a personal quest called an intensive. With each intensive that I have led, I come away feeling like I have witnessed...
by juliawjensen | Jan 1, 2017 | Calendar, courage, defense, Divinity of Community, fear, gratitude, images, Pathwork, separation from God, spirituality, surrender, Taking Steps toward Peace, unlocking bliss
Relationship With The Self The First of 3 Relationship workshops Coming Soon: Relationship To Others and Relationship To God An Online Workshop Led by Julia Jensen, Pathwork Helper and Jayne Letizia, Associate Helper October 19, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00PM Eastern Time...